
COVID-19 Update from Chancellor Roe - March 17, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

UNT World: I’d like to begin this update with a simple question: How are you doing during this unusual time?


Our work worlds have been turned upside down – most of our faculty and students are preparing to teach/learn through technology, while most staff members have begun to work remotely (or will soon). Faculty and staff with school-aged children have the added stress of managing their child(ren)'s activities and education at home, against the strange backdrop of social distancing, closed businesses, and supply/food shortages at many local stores.


It’s understandable if you’re stressed, frustrated, or nervous. This crisis is like nothing we’ve seen. With that said, it’s more important than ever to support one another.


Supervisors – I encourage you to have daily video conferences or calls with your staff. Share information, talk about your challenges and bring questions to our leadership team if you need help. I encourage all of our team members to take time away from the news. Walk around periodically. Exercise and eat healthy. Avoid crowds, but don’t isolate yourself. Talk to friends, family and yes, share with your co-workers. We’re all in this together.


These are unusual and challenging times, but we can help each other reach the other side by supporting one another and showing compassion. If you or your family need additional support, I encourage you to consult our free, confidential, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – available to help employees at all ϲʿapp locations with stress, depression, family, legal or financial issues, substance abuse, or other stressful events. EAP programs are available to retirement-eligible employees, their household members, and dependents.


Employees may self-refer to EAP, or managers may refer an employee. EAP consultations (up to six per year, per personal session) are free and confidential. All EAP benefits can be accessed 24/7. Full details are available on our .


Thanks to all of our faculty and staff, system-wide, for continuing to focus on our missions and service to students during this challenging time. We appreciate your flexibility, adaptability, and commitment to find and execute innovative solutions.


Do you have HR questions related to COVID-19? We have posted an HR FAQ for COVID-19 on the ϲʿapp website. Additionally, we are maintaining a full COVID-19 Informational web page.

 These sites are being updated frequently and also directly link to our university COVID-19 websites for UNT, UNT Health Science Center, and UNT Dallas. Please visit these sites often, and if you have specific questions that aren't addressed, please contact your respective HR team via email by clicking the appropriate link in the footer of this email.

Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Threat

ϲʿapp's Organizational Development & Engagement (ODE) team recommends two LinkedIn Learning courses to help team members smoothly transition to remote working/supervising:

Additionally, ITSS has provided cyber security tips for working at home.

On the lighter side ... The Dallas Morning News published several fun thoughts and ideas for those of us that are new to the world of telecommuting in

Updates from ϲʿapp Institutions

Each unique ϲʿapp institution has its own set of dynamic circumstances to navigate, so there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to mitigating the risk of COVID-19. With that in mind, each of our universities are updating their campus communities regularly through their respective institutional web sites.

For the latest updates from our universities, please click the logos:


Questions for Human Resources?

If you have specific questions that aren't addressed in our HR FAQ for COVID-19, please contact your respective HR team via email: